No JavaScript? No Problem.

my problem with flashy developer websites

In all honesty, I was repulsed by the idea of having a website for myself, where I showcase all the things I do. I don’t really think I needed a website just to show people the “things” that I create. After all, the things I generally create don’t have fancy UI’s that one can browse online and marvel at. I generally write backend systems, and deploying those things takes a lot of time, and I doubt someone interested would actually take the trouble.

Do I even need a website?

It’s just easier to give people a link to a github account, and hand off the problem to someone else. You go to that site, and you figure out if you like the work that I do. If you need clarifications, you can create an issue, or ping me somewhere, or e-mail me. Should be easy enough, right?

Apparently, it’s still nice to have a presence on the web, even if it is ephemeral, and the website may die down and burn to the ground one day. So, I have this nice fancy domain, that matches my username everywhere, which makes it easier to find me. I think it could come handy some day if I actually do some amazing stuff that I’d want to talk about. The kinda content that goes crazy on hacker news and the likes of reddit.

What would a website made by me entirely look like?

Look, it’s no secret, my knowledge of javascript is… lacklustre. Which seems like madness, every developer should have a rough idea of what it is, right? Well, I’ve managed to go about life and earn money without ever writing a single line of javascript code that ran on production. Yes, I’ve done a few changes here and there for testing stuff locally, but nothing that I would count as impactful. I dont know vuejs,reactjs or any of the other million or so frameworks that are hot. I simply don’t have to care about them for now. So, this website has ZERO javascript. Yep, nothing. Not even analytics. I know most of people who would ever read this would be bots anyway.

What would I add here?

I currently use Obsidian nearly exclusively for writing. I think I will get around to adding more content soon(maybe) and fix the site

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